Club Feline - Meals for Cats 10x400g

Flavor Chicken Beef Turkey Lamb Buffalo Variety Pack Kangaroo Llama Rabbit Venison Pork

Ingredients: 90% meat, with heart and liver, ground, 10% raw ground veggies, free range eggs, yogurt, kelp, salmon oil, bee pollen. (Chicken, Turkey & Salmon are all natural bone-in)

50% of your cats’ diet should consist of raw meaty bones, chicken backs, necks, wings, wing tips, duck wings, ox tails, lamb necks etc, whole or ground (chicken cat food).

Fish should only be fed 1-2x per week, as it can deplete the cats’ vitamin E. Suggested supplements to add might include salmon oil or cod liver oil, vitamin E and C, and a multi B vitamin.

Cats are fussy eaters, so variety, freshness, and warming the food to room temperature (not in the microwave) will keep your cat eating a healthy diet.

The Variety Pack consist of 3 each Beef, Chicken, Turkey & 1 Salmon

10 x 400 gram packages.

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